Questions and Answers about The Chapel of Christ

What is your service like?

The service begins with a reading from one of the Gospels. Since Christianity is based on Jesus, it makes sense that the first element should be about Jesus. Then comes a prayer, a scripture reading, and a Psalm. Then is a 15-20 minute Bible study. The service ends with a brief Communion service in which all are invited to participate. Our Communion service concentrates on the life, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. Occasionally the order of our service varies.

Why do you have Communion every week?

Communion helps us remember the most basic beliefs of Christianity. Rituals like Communion help us put beliefs into concrete form. Every individual’s interpretation of Communion will be different.

How long is your service?

Our service lasts approximately 40 minutes.

What version of Christianity do you promote?

We do not promote any certain version of Christianity. God is too big to be contained within any boundaries. Our point of reference is the Bible, seen in the light of the life and teachings of Jesus. We realize that different people will have different interpretations of what is in the Bible.

Would I be expected to agree with any certain beliefs?

No. Your personal beliefs are between you and God. We have participants from a variety of religious backgrounds, who have a variety of different beliefs.

Does The Chapel of Christ have members?

No. We just have people who come. Some of our participants are members of other churches.

Is The Chapel of Christ connected to a denomination?

No. We are not bound by the confines of any denomination. We have participants from a wide variety of different denominations.

Is The Chapel of Christ connected to any other church or organization?


Is the Chapel of Christ a "contemporary" church?

No. But neither is it like a "traditional" church service. Our service is simple, reverent, and quiet.

Do I have to be a professing Christian to attend?

No. Anyone, of whatever religion, who is interested in a deeper knowledge of God, is welcome.

Are children and youth welcome?

Yes. People of all ages are welcome.

Do you have any programs other than the Sunday service?

No. Simplicity is our model, and not constantly pressuring people to participate in this and that is part of our philosophy. However, perhaps once a year we will have a special service commemorating some important time in Christianity, such as Christmas or Easter.

How is The Chapel of Christ supported?

The Chapel of Christ is supported by offerings. We never beg for money, and we never pass an offering plate. A box is located at the back for those who wish to privately contribute. We operate on what we receive and never ask for more.

Where exactly is The Chapel of Christ?

We rent the Red Door Chapel at 413 West Marion Street in Shelby for our Sunday service.

Why do you not have your own building?

The Chapel of Christ is not about a building, and we do not want the financial burden of a building. Jesus is not confined to a building, and nowhere in the New Testament are Christians told to build buildings. Jesus is present wherever 2 or 3 gather in His name.

Will I be pressured to attend every Sunday?

No. We welcome all, no matter how often or seldom they come.

Does The Chapel of Christ perform weddings?

No. However, the minister is available at times of death, serious illness, and personal crisis and is also available for funerals